This week was awesome!
So one morning I said a prayer and decided to pray that we would find someone to teach. I decided that I would try to have complete faith that it would happen. As the morning went on, I completely forgot about it. During the day we had to go fill the car up with gas. When we were there, a lady walked up to us and told us she wanted to feed us dinner sometime. She said she wasn't a member, so we don't really know her story, but it was a really cool miracle.
I got to go on exchanges twice this week. I got to go with Elder Dorius to the YSA ward. We had a lesson with an investigator. During the lesson, I felt prompted to share a story. It was kind of off topic with what we were talking about, but I decided to share it anyways. I told it, and the Spirit was super strong. It was super awesome!
This week, my challenge to you is to focus on listening to the Spirit. Pray for opportunities to get and recognize promptings. Along with that pray for the courage to follow the promptings. As you follow the promptings of the Holy Ghost, you will never be misguided. It will always work out! As I've listened to these promptings, my testimony and faith has really grown. It's hard, but it's worth it.
Have an awesome week and a happy Halloween
Love, Elder Bronson