We had an awesome week. We got a new bike, met some crazy people, did some service, and shared the gospel. What else does a great week need?
So there was a big project called Serve Santa Maria. Tons of people did lots of service all around the city. It was awesome! We got to dig holes and plant stuff. Then we got to put bark all over the ground.
Also, a couple of days ago, we were riding our bikes down the street and decided to talk to someone. She seemed kind of crazy. We said hi and she started saying things like "hallelujah, hosanna, praise the Lord" and other stuff like that. Then the very next thing she said was "goodbye.." so we told her to have a good day. As we left, she told us we needed to go to church. It was pretty funny.
My challenge for all of you for this week is to make sure you read in the Book of Mormon every day. Lots of you are already doing that. It is amazing what reading in the BOM does. We have lots of investigators with lots of concerns, but they would all be answered if they would just read.
So, Elder Mulford and I played a trick on a really awesome family in the ward. So transfer calls came last week, and we told them we were both leaving. We told them that they were getting sisters. Sister Ellsworth was kind of mad that we were "leaving." We let them believe that for about a week. Then we just showed up at their house. It was priceless. This picture was taken right after they found out we were actually staying.
My New Bike!